1.All Different Types Of3:23
2.Your Rock Album3:10
3.Sent from the South3:27
4.Tree Shadows3:16
5.Stop Talking and Be3:10
6.Do it again2:00
7.Searching for You3:12
8.Ethans Trap2:45
11.Mr. Lucas Vs. Mr. Garner Rmx2:55
12.Jump Starter3:20
13.The End is Nearing5:30
14.Always Creepin Like3:17
15.Constrantly Fucking Me Scratched1:14
16.Shit I Got, All Day Son3:43
18.Decision Move - Take the Risk2:32
19.KickEmOut RMX4:30
20.Gripping Gatts3:04
21.Gotta Block4:55
22.They Got Riches, They Got Bitches3:46
23.Killer on the Loose3:25
24.Going Deaf2:47
25.Listening to You4:13
26.Mapping the Streets3:16
27.Shit on Gangsters3:30
28.Gangster of the Week3:42
29.Chopped Beauty3:20
30.Doing the Crime2:55